A Field Happening…NOW

August 22nd 2024, 10am-6pm - Holyrood Park, Edinburgh

Curious Seed’s A Field Happening…NOW is an invitation to gather with one another in a durational dance vigil in solidarity with those facing oppression, apartheid, genocide and state violence across the world. Over 8 hours, dancers will take the place of the candle which stays lit during a vigil. The dance will move between and across bodies in an act of embodied hope and a sharing of energy, resources, time, and knowledge. 

It is a call to action, whilst holding a space to be in the present moment with others to grieve, give gratitude, reflect and to move towards the world we want to build for one another.  A Field Happening…NOW is an invitation to gather in nature to / dance / rest / listen / heal / contemplate / connect / question / play / process / breathe together.

We hope that through giving our attention across 8 hours to people who are currently living through ongoing oppression that we will create new forms of solidarity; growing resilience and resistance.

Dancing for those oppressed/ Dancing for those resisting

Dancing for those no longer here / Dancing for those not yet here

Revisiting Curious Seed’s work Field…Something for the Future NOW, the happening will take place in the same site, building on a history of bodies who have danced in this field – in an act of hope and togetherness during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Come and be in community with us at the vigil, as witnesses and active participants. 

The event will be part of Healing Arts Scotland 

In line with our values as an organisation, we stand against all forms of oppression, including racism and Islamophobia, and intend this to be a safe space event for all.

In line with our values as an organisation, we are against all forms of oppression.  We continue to condemn the ongoing atrocities being enacted upon the people of Palestine by the Western-backed Israeli government.  We believe art must be enabled to flourish to give hope to all in these dark times, and this event is an act of solidarity with Palestinian artists who continue to resist apartheid and oppression. 

Curious Seed is building a relationship towards a future collaboration with the Al-Harah Theater in Palestine.  Al-Harah Theater, established in 2005, is a non-profit organisation based in Beit Jala, Bethlehem.  Al Harah Theater aims to produce theatre that is well-crafted yet moving, challenging yet accessible, essential, honest and, like Curious Seed, believe that performance has the potential to change the lives of those who make it and those who watch it. 

Please consider reading more about and donating to their work: Fundraiser by Diane Thornton : Al Harah Theater: A Voice for Theatre & Culture in Palestine (gofundme.com) 


We are extending this invitation to participate in A Field Happening…NOW.

Participation in the happening/vigil will be on a voluntary and unpaid basis.

Our intention is that there will be at least one person dancing for 8 hours, with a space dedicated for solo reflection. You will be welcome to step into this place.

At the same time, there will be a series of scores and suggestions offered throughout the day. You are welcome to participate and/or witness.

There may be the opportunity to share some spoken word, poetry, reflections...

If you are a musician, you are also welcome to play (acoustically). There will be other musicians present at certain times (tbc) over the day.

Please note that this is not a space for ‘open practice/play’, but an intentional participation in a vigil, making a commitment to giving our attention to the themes across 8 hours.

Costume: We invite you to consider wearing one colour (preferably not black). Please be aware your clothes could get dirty. Please do not feel the need to purchase anything new. We encourage you to look at this link to see what brands you may want to boycott when considering what to wear, and for future awareness. Act Now Against These Companies Profiting from the Genocide of the Palestinian People | BDS Movement

Location: Holyrood Park, by the hedge near the Palace wall.

Google map pin - https://maps.app.goo.gl/G1ev66TW9KQEiXbg9

WhatThreeWords - https://w3w.co/spring.retain.helps

Timings: The event will run from 10am-6pm, with someone always dancing in the space the whole time.

You are welcome to come and join for as long or short as you like and are able to during the day.

Toilets: There are gender neutral and accessible public toilets in the park, a short walk away from the site.

Accessibility:  There is a public footpath.


Car park

Bike racks: by the public toilets and outside Parliament (please use these rather than leaving bikes unattended at the site)

Buses: no 35 to bottom of the Royal Mile.

What to bring?

The event will happen, whatever the weather. If you can, please bring waterproofs, sun cream, water, food and friends!

What do we need to know from you?

If possible, it would be helpful to know what time you think you might be able to attend and how long you can stay for. This will help us know how many people will be present at one time. However, if you don’t know this yet, please don’t let this put you off from attending and joining on the day.

Some of the scores we will be using may be explored at Curious Seed’s Monday Den Sessions 3-5.30pm (August 12th and 19th) in the new space at Ocean Point, if you would like to come along to try some things out and meet others before the 22nd.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. Please email Hannah: hannah@curious-seed.co.uk and cc Chris in: christine@curious-seed.co.uk 

We hope to see you on the Field!

With warmth,

Curious Seed